Et systematisk review er et struktureret og omfattende gennemgang af eksisterende forskning om et specifikt emne, hvor man samler, vurderer og syntetiserer resultaterne fra flere videnskabelige studier for at besvare et klart formuleret forskningsspørgsmål.
Formålet er at minimere bias og give en mere præcis og pålidelig konklusion end enkeltstående studier.
"A systematic review attempts to collect relevant evidence that fits pre-specified criteria to answer a specific research question"
Kilde: Center for Evidence Synthesis in Health:
Type |
Aim |
Search |
Quality Appraisal |
Evidence Synthesis |
Analysis |
Systematic Review |
To address specific research questions through a structured and pre-defined method. |
Exhaustive search aiming for comprehensive coverage of relevant studies. |
Rigorous and explicit criteria used to assess the quality of included studies. |
Integrates findings from multiple studies using a systematic method. |
Quantitative (meta-analysis) or qualitative synthesis. |
Meta-analysis |
To statistically combine results from multiple quantitative studies to determine overall effect size. |
Exhaustive search focusing on studies with quantitative data. |
Rigorous quality appraisal to ensure the validity and reliability of included studies. |
Combines statistical results from different studies to produce a summary effect size. |
Statistical analysis, effect size calculation. |
Comparative Effectiveness Review |
To compare the benefits and harms of different interventions to inform healthcare decisions. |
Comprehensive search of studies comparing various interventions. |
Rigorous appraisal to ensure high-quality, comparable studies are included. |
Synthesises evidence to compare the effectiveness of interventions. |
Comparative analysis, meta-analysis. |
Diagnostic Systematic Review |
To evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of diagnostic tests. |
Extensive search for studies on diagnostic tests and their outcomes. |
Rigorous assessment of study quality, focusing on diagnostic accuracy. |
Integrates findings to determine the effectiveness and accuracy of diagnostic tests. |
Diagnostic accuracy meta-analysis. |
Network Meta-analysis |
To compare multiple interventions simultaneously by combining direct and indirect evidence. |
Comprehensive search for studies involving various interventions. |
Rigorous quality appraisal of all included studies. |
Combines data from different studies to compare multiple interventions. |
Statistical analysis, network diagrams. |
Prognostic Review |
To summarise and analyse evidence on the factors that predict outcomes of interest. |
Exhaustive search for studies on prognostic factors and outcomes. |
Rigorous appraisal to include high-quality prognostic studies. |
Synthesises findings to identify and evaluate prognostic factors. |
Meta-analysis, narrative synthesis. |
Psychometric Review |
To evaluate the measurement properties of psychometric instruments. |
Comprehensive search for studies assessing psychometric tools. |
Rigorous quality appraisal focusing on validity and reliability. |
Synthesises evidence on the measurement properties of psychometric instruments. |
Meta-analysis of psychometric properties. |
Review of Economic Evaluations |
To summarise and analyse evidence on the cost-effectiveness of interventions. |
Exhaustive search for studies on economic evaluations of interventions. |
Rigorous appraisal of study quality, focusing on economic methodologies. |
Synthesises findings on cost-effectiveness to inform economic decisions. |
Economic analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis. |
Systematic Review of Epidemiology Studies |
To synthesise evidence on the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events. |
Comprehensive search for epidemiological studies. |
Rigorous quality appraisal to ensure inclusion of high-quality studies. |
Integrates findings to understand patterns and causes of health-related states or events. |
Descriptive analysis, meta-analysis. |
Living Reviews |
To provide continuously updated summaries of evidence as new studies become available. |
Continuous search to incorporate the latest research. |
Ongoing quality appraisal to include new, high-quality studies. |
Continuously updates evidence synthesis to reflect the latest findings. |
Dynamic analysis, regular updates. |
Table inspired by: Sutton, A., Clowes, M., Preston, L., & Booth, A. (2019). Meeting the review family: exploring review types and associated information retrieval requirements. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 36(3), 202-222.
Systematiske reviews har til formål at besvare et præcist defineret forskningsspørgsmål, ved at indsamle al evidens, der passer ind i specifikt definerede kriterier. I medicin, kommer evidensen ofte fra publicerede randomiserede kliniske forsøg.
Det der kendertegner et systematisk review er, at det består af et veldefineret spørgsmål, med veldefinerede inklusions- og eksklusions-kriterier, en screeningsproces foretaget af mindst to reviewers, en kvalitetsvurdering af evidensen, og dokumentation af reviewprocessen der følger faglige guidelines. En sådan guideline finder du i PRISMA Checklisten, og screeningsprocessen kan dokumenteres i et flow chart.
PRISMA Checklisten og flow chart skemaer kan downloades her:
Du kan finde PRISMA checklisten oversat til andre sprog og tilpasset specifikke fag/metoder på The Equator network (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research):
Plakkal, Nishad. How to Write a Systematic Review Without Meta-analysis. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research 10(2):p 119-123, Jul–Dec 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/ijamr.ijamr_296_23
Petticrew, Mark, and Helen Roberts. Systematic Reviews in the Social Sciences : A Practical Guide. Blackwell Pub., 2005.
Kitchenham, B. Procedures for Performing Systematic Reviews. Keele University Technical Report (Software Engineering & Computer Science), 2004
Se her en disciplinopdelt linksamling fyldt med vejledninger til arbejdsprocessen for systematiske reviews. Listen er udarbejdet af Murdoch University Library