Et rapid review er en hurtigere og mindre omfattende version af et systematisk review, hvor forskningslitteraturen gennemgås og analyseres på kortere tid ved at bruge forenklede eller begrænsede metoder. Formålet er at give en hurtig evidensbaseret vurdering til at understøtte beslutningstagning, ofte under tidspres.
Kilde: JBI (Joanna Briggs Institute)
Type |
Aim |
Search |
Quality Appraisal |
Evidence Synthesis |
Analysis |
Rapid Review |
To provide a quick, but systematic, synthesis of evidence to inform decision-making. |
Focused and limited search to balance comprehensiveness and timeliness. |
Abbreviated quality appraisal, often using simplified checklists. |
Provides a summary of evidence within a limited timeframe. |
Accelerated evidence synthesis, rapid thematic or quantitative analysis. |
Rapid Evidence Assessment |
To quickly evaluate and synthesise evidence on a specific question or topic. |
Systematic search with time constraints, aiming for key studies. |
Rapid but rigorous appraisal to ensure reliability of included studies. |
Synthesises key evidence to provide a timely summary for decision-making. |
Descriptive analysis, rapid meta-analysis. |
Rapid Realist Review |
To understand how and why interventions work, for whom, and in what contexts, quickly. |
Focused search for relevant studies and grey literature. |
Rapid appraisal focusing on relevance and rigour of included studies. |
Synthesises evidence to develop context-mechanism-outcome configurations. |
Realist synthesis, thematic analysis. |
Tabel inspireret inspired af: Sutton, A., Clowes, M., Preston, L., & Booth, A. (2019). Meeting the review family: exploring review types and associated information retrieval requirements. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 36(3), 202-222.
Type |
Aim |
Search |
Quality Appraisal |
Evidence Synthesis |
When needed? |
Rapid Review |
Seeks to search for, appraise and synthesise research evidence on a focused research question, using curtailed systematic review methods |
Aims to be as comprehensive as possible with the resource constraints of a pragmatic project. Typically more focused methods |
Time-limited formal quality assessment |
Typically narrative and tabular. |
Useful both during the discovery and product development phases and also as stand alone pieces of research that require efficiency. |
Systematic Review |
To comprehesively search for research evidence on a focussed topic, and systematically identify, appraise and synthesise all relevant evidence. |
Exhaustive, comprehensive searching. |
Formal quality assessment conducted in duplicate, using validated tool. |
Narrative with results tables, often including statistical synthesis. |
Useful to consolidate current evidence base and identify gaps in the literature. |
Tabel inspireret af : Lavinia Ferrante Di Ruffano, Mary Chappell og Mary Edwards, YHEC. Læs f.eks artikel her
Rapid Review Guideline: Steps in a rapid review.
WHO's har udviklet en træningspakke for rapid reviews. Pakken inkluderer links til online, åbne træningsmaterialer samt en liste over anbefalede kilder og databaser, hvor man kan finde referencer til sundhedspolitisk relateret evidens. NB: træningspakken er målrettet WHO kontekst.