PROSPERO is an international database of prospectively registered systematic reviews in health and social care. Key features from the review protocol are recorded and maintained as a permanent record. Systematic reviews should be registered at inception (i.e. at the protocol stage) to help avoid unplanned duplication and to enable comparison of reported review methods with what was planned in the protocol.
To register your review of learn more about PROSPERO, click here.
International registreringsplatform:
Den europæiske platform:
Plus mange flere:
Protokoller der anvendes uden for det kliniske område:
Registered Reports
List of Journals with Registered Reports Publishing Format
Klik for at se en liste over aktuelle tidsskrifter der bruger Registered Reports udgivelsesformatet, enten som en almindelig indsendelsesmulighed eller som en del af et specialnummer.
Ifølge Cochrane Collaboration, er en protokol en plan der skal følges i et studie. Som et led i udarbejdelsen af et systematisk review, og for at minimere bias i processen, er det derfor mest hensigtsmæssigt at udarbejde en protokol der beskriver rationale, hypotese, hvorledes og hvor der søges efter litteratur samt hvilke øvrige metoder der anvendes i forbindelse med udarbejdelsen af det systematiske review.
Proposing and registering new Cochrane Reviews
All Cochrane systematic reviews are first registered as titles with a Cochrane Review Group (CRG). Registering your title is important to prevent duplication of effort with other authors, and to make sure your topic is appropriate for a Cochrane review. There are 52 CRGs that each focus on a particular area of health. CRGs are coordinated by an editorial team who edit and publish completed reviews in the Cochrane Library. Unlike other journals, your CRG will provide support and advice throughout the review process.
Equator network (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research)
Et international netværk, der arbejder for at forbedre kvaliteten af medicinsk forskningslitteratur ved at fremme transparent og præcis afrapportering af undersøgelser.
PRISMA Checkliste 2020 (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analysis Protocols)
Tjekliste til at udvikle og afrapportere protokollen.
The Campbell Collaboration is an international social science research network that produces high quality, open and policy-relevant evidence syntheses, plain language summaries and policy briefs.