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Mendeley Reference Manager - english: Import


Imports can be made in several ways:

  • With Mendeley's web importer
  • With the text format called RIS or Bibtex
  • From magazine publishers
  • 'Drag and drop'


There are different ways to import, depending on which browser is used.

Firefox: When you need to get the references into Mendeley, click save in this box.

The downloaded file is displayed in the upper right corner of the address bar.

Make sure Mendeley is open and click the arrow.

Drag the file down over the Mendeley icon on the taskbar. Release the file once Mendeley has opened. If the file needs to be in a special folder, remember to have that folder open before you make a drag and drop.

Chrome looks a little different:

Make sure Mendeley is open and then drag the Notepad file down over the Mendeley icon in the taskbar, after which Mendeley will open.

Drop the file in Mendeley

File names:

Web of Science: Savedrecs.bib

Medline: ris.ris

Goggle Scholar: citation.ris

The Royal Library's Library Database: Primo_RIS_Export.ris Bibliotek.dk: bibdk. [Dagsdato] _162952.ris

PubMed: pubmed_result.txt


ALWAYS REMEMBER to check the references you get from different databases and other places. Mendeley is a utility only and import errors may occur.

If the reference list is not correct, it could easily mean a lower grade. Always talk to your supervisor about what he / she wants.

Web Importer

In Firefox and Chrome the webimporter  is a Plug-in and will be located in the upper right corner of the Browser.

You can go from Mendeley Reference Manager - tools - Install Mendeley Web Importer, or you can go via this link https://www.mendeley.com/reference-management/web-importer/