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Mendeley Reference Manager - english: Get started

Reference Management

Mendeley has just released a brand new version of Mendeley called Mendeley Reference Manager.

The Mendeley Cite citation tool is compatible with Microsoft 365, Office 2016 and up to and including the Office app for iPad

Get started

To get started with Mendeley, you first need to create an account

Then, you must

  • download Mendeley Reference Management
  • install Mendeley Web Installer
  • install Mendeley Cite

Course material (KUB Frederiksberg)

Mendeley terminology

Mendeley Reference Manager: This is the part you install for your computer. Download Mendeley Reference Manager if
you have not already done so
Mendeley Web: This is the Mendeley Web site, where you can access the web version of your library, edit your profile,
and search for articles, groups, or people. You can also access Mendeley's social features
Sync: Here you sync across your devices
Web Importer: This browser extension allows you to quickly add references to your library from the Internet.
Citation Plugin: This is a plugin - Mendeley Cite - which, once installed, allows you to quote and create reference lists while
writing your assignment.

Mendeley Reference Manager

How to create an account and install Mendeley Desktop
  • Go to www.mendeley.com and click on Create a free account
  • Fill in the different fields
  • Log on to www.mendeley.com
  • Click the arrow to the right of your name in the upper right corner
  • Select Download Mendeley to download Mendeley Reference Manager

From Mendeley Reference Manager - Tools you install the Web Importer and Mendeley Cite

This will take you to mendeley.com/import, where you can download the web importer

The web importer is the placed at the top right corner of your browser

Then you install Mendeley Cite

In word you will find Mendeley Cite under the references tab