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Mendeley Reference Manager - english: Mendeley Reference Manager

Mendeley Reference Manager user interface

  1. Add new - Use this to add new references to your Mendeley library.
    For more details on how to add references to your library see 02. Adding references

  2. All References - Select this to return to your personal library in Mendeley Reference Manager.

  3. Smart Collections - Mendeley Reference Manager automatically organizes aspects of your library into smart collections.
    For more details on how to use smart collections see 03. Searching and organizing references

  4. Custom Collections - Keep your references organized in custom collections.
    For more details on how to create and use custom collections see 03. Searching and organizing references.

  5. Private Groups - Any private groups you join or create will be listed under this heading.
    For more details about private groups see 09. Sharing references.

  6. Public Groups - Any public groups you join or create will be listed under this heading. 
    For more details about public groups see 09. Sharing references.

  7. Search - Use this field to search your Mendeley library.

  8. Library table - All of the references in your selected collection or group will be visible here.

  9. Action panel - Select the check box next to a reference in the library table to bring up the action panel.
    For more details on what you can do with the action panel see 03. Searching and organizing references.

  10. Info panel - Select a reference in the library table to view the metadata in the info panel. 

  11. Library - Select ‘Library’ to return to the main library view.

  12. Notebook - Use Notebook to keep all your thoughts in one place.
    For more details about how to use Notebook see 04. Reading and annotating documents.

  13. Sync - Mendeley Reference Manager automatically syncs any changes you make to the cloud. This means that your work is always saved and available on other devices.   
    For more details about sync see 07. Syncing.

  14. Profile - Use this drop down to access your online profile page, access support or sign out of your account.

Mendeley PDF-reader

  1. Text select tool - Use this tool to select text within your document. You can use this to copy and paste relevant passages or to apply highlighting (see number 2).

  2. Highlight tool - Use this tool to apply highlighting to text within the document. The highlight tool will apply whichever color is currently set as active (see number 4).

    You can add highlights to your Notebook by selecting the highlight and selecting 'Add to Notebook'. For more details see the Notebook section below.

  3. Sticky Note tool - Use this tool to create sticky notes at specific locations within the document. Select wherever you want the note to appear (see number 9 for an example of a note within a document).

  4. Color selection - Mendeley Reference Manager supports highlighting in a number of different colors. Use this menu to select the active color. Notes and highlights that you create will use this color.

  5. Fit to width or height - Use these buttons to fit the PDF to the available width or height.

  6. Zoom - Use these buttons to zoom into and out of the PDF.

  7. Info - Use this button to open the Info panel. For more details about the tabs in the Info panel see the ‘Annotations’ tab and Mendeley Notebook sections below.

  8. Highlighted text - Select a passage of highlighted text to modify or remove the highlighting or to add the highlight to your Notebook.

  9. Sticky note - Sticky notes within the document will be represented by icons. Select the icon to reveal the contents of the sticky note.

  10. Library - To navigate back to your references select the 'Library' button.