Explore women and queer archives
The term archive is used in gender studies to refer to many different collections of things and materials - from an "archive of feelings" to a practice of feminist cultural analysis. This is far from the classic understanding of the word archive as a physical place that contains materials for documenting the past.
Since the concept of the archive is so broad, it is important to add a few words about what we mean by archive on this site. We have chosen to highlight archives that directly relate to women, gender and queers that lean more towards the classic understanding of an archive as a collection of materials. Moreover, the archives highlighted here all have parts of their collections digitized. This also means that we don't point to the large state archives, even though materials can often be found there as well.
Archival work is a bit like detective work, and archival material about women and queers - whether individuals or movements - is often found in many different archives and can therefore be difficult to locate. On this page, we divide the archives into women and queer. This, however, does not mean that there are no women in the queer archives and vice versa. But it is a division that reflects the archives' own definitions.
If you are interested in Danish archives, please visit this guide in Danish here. And feel free to reach out if you need any help at koensforskning@kb.dk.
All archives mentioned here have digitized parts of their collections. If you're interested in Danish archives please visit the Danish version of this page.
Archival material about women and the women's movement can be found in many different archives internationally. Here we have collected a number of links where either all or parts of the material can be accessed digitally. Are you interested in Danish or Scandinavian archives please visit the Danish version of this page.
en guide af Det Kgl. Biblioteks Kønsforskningsteam
Kontakt os her: koensforskning@kb.dk