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Gender Studies: Statistics & policies

Statistics & policies


Learn more about Gender Statistics and equality indexes

The gender equality debate is often filled with statistics, mentions of policies and the like. Below you will find links to: 

  • Gender statistics in the nordic countries
  • International gender statistics
  • Different gender equality indexes
  • Gender equality policies
Nordic statistics

Statistical data and publications from national statistical agencies. As far as possible, we refer to the agencies‘ theme pages where you can find an overview - more statistics can be found by searching the different countries’ statistics banks yourself.

 Statistics Denmark

Gender equality theme page - here you can find an overview of some of the statistics that exist in relation to gender equality. salary, family, health and culture. 

Statistics Norway

Theme page with an overview of salary, education and political participation. 

Statistics Sweden

Do not have a theme page for gender equality in english - however you can search for statistics and reports on gender equality.


Statistics Iceland

A page with an overview of how many men vs. women hold powerful positions in society. 


 Statistics Finland

A theme page with links to various statistics from the gender equality area in Finland. 


 Ministry of gender equality 
Danish ministry of gender equality here you can find some action plans, annual reports and more.


European Commission
: Political initiatives, action plans and publications.


Politcal initiatives, action plans and The Commission on the Status of Women.


 OECD Gender Equality
Political initiatives, publications, and statistics.


To see more policies from the Nordic region please visit the Danish version of this page. 


International statistics

Most countries in the world have their own statistical agency. In this list you will find links to international statistics that focus on gender equality.

 Eige: European Institute for Gender Equality

Statistics provided from all EU countries


International statistics provided by the UN from all over the world. 


 Inter-Parliamentary Union

International statistics from 1997 on gender representation in parliaments.


 The World Bank

International statistics from all over the world. 

Gender equality index


 World Economic Forum: Global Gender Gap Report 
Annual report which benchmarks all countries on their progress towards gender parity across central thematic dimensions.


 Equaldex - LGBT Equality index

Equality index measuring LGBT rights, laws and freedom, and public attitudes towards LGBT people.


 Eige: Gender Equality Index
The European Union's  Gender Equality Index measures the gender gaps between women and men in the member countries across core domains.  


 Inter-Parliamentary Union 
Gender Equality Index benchmarking countries in the world according to the average of women in national parliaments.

Gender Studies

a libguide by the Danish Royal Library's gender research team

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