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Gender Studies: Gender Equality Policies

Gender Equality Policies and Gender Statistics

Learn more about Gender Equality Policies and Gender Statistics      

The gender equality debate in Denmark and on the international scene deals mostly with issues concerning statistics, government gender equality policies, and tools for promoting gender equality. Please find below links to 1) The gender equality policies of the Nordic governments, as well as complaints boards and institutions for the equality ombudsman 2) Websites on gender equality from major international organizations  3) Valuable resources for retrieving official global statistical data on gender equality.

The Nordic government's gender equality policies

The Department of Gender EqualityDanish acts on gender equality, action plans og publications.  

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health: Finish gender equality legislation, action plans and publications.

Ministry of Welfare: Icelandic gender equality legislation, action plans
, and  publications.

 The Ministry of Children, and Equality
Norwegian gender equality legislation, action plans and publications. 

Ministry of health and Social­ Affairs: Swedish gender equality legislation, action plans and publications.

Complaints Boards and Institutions for the Equality Ombudsman

LigebehandlingsnævnetResponsible for decisions on complaints regarding discrimination.

Ombudsman for Equality: An independent authority whose main duty is to supervise compliance with the Act on Equality between Women and Men. 

The Equality and anti-discrimination Ombudsman: Provides advice and guidance with regard to the legislation concerning equalty and discrimination.The Ombudsman is also responsible for dealing with complaints in cases of discrimination.

DiskrimineringsnemdaHandles complaints and appeals regarding recommendations and actions by the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombudsman. It considers only cases which the Ombudsman has already dealt with.

The Equality Ombudsman: A government agency working on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government to promote equal rights and opportunities and to combat discrimination. The Ombudsman investigates complaints about discrimination and makes decisions.

Gender Equality Index

 World Economic Forum: Global Gender Gap Report: Annual report which benchmarks all countries on their progress towards gender parity across central thematic dimensions.

 Eige: Gender Equality Index: The European Union's  Gender Equality Index measures the gender gaps between women and men in the member countries across core domains.  

 Inter-Parliamentary Union: Gender Equality Index benchmarking countries in the world according to the average of women in national parliaments.

International Gender Equality Policies

European Commission
: Political initiatives, action plans and publications.

Unwomen: Politcal initiatives, action plans and The Commission on the Status of Women.

Gender Equality: Political initiatives, publications and statistics.

The Nordic Countries

​Statistics Denmark: Statistical data and publications on gender equality.

Statistics Finland
: Statistical data and publications on gender equality.

Statistics Iceland: 
Statistical data and publications on gender equality.

Statistics Norway: 
Statistical data and publications on gender equality.

Statistics Sweden: 
Statistical data and publications on gender equality.


European and International Statistics

 Eige: European Institute for Gender Equality: Provides gender statistics from all EU countries.  

 Genderstat: International statistical data from all over the world.  

 Inter-Parliamentary Union: International statistics on women's representation in parliaments. From 1997 and forward.

 The World Bank: International data and statistics from all over the world.