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EndNote - English: Journal title Abbreviations

journal titel Abbreviations

Journal titel Abbreviations

Tools -> Define Term Lists -> Journals -> Terms

Some reference standards abbreviate journal names. This applies to Vancouver, among others.


The journal: Journal of Cancer Science & Therapy
Abbreviated: J Cancer Sci Ther


The journal: Journal of the American Society for Information Science
Abbreviated: J Am Soc Inf Sci

Import a list of journal title abbreviations

Import a list of journal title abbreviations

Title abbreviations are controlled by journal abbreviation lists, which must be imported, in Endnote.

  • Endnote x9: In the menu click on "Tools" and select "Define Term Lists...".
  • Endnote 20: In the menu click on "Library" and select "Define Term Lists...".

In the pop-up window I select "Journals" and click "Import List..."

Mac: You must find the folder where you have installed Endnote: Hard disk/Applications/EndNote (EndNote version number)/Terms

Select the list that fits your subject area and open it.
It is possible to import multiple lists. But they must be imported one at a time.

Read more on Clarivate Analytics, including how to delete incorrect abbreviations: https://support.clarivate.com/Endnote/s/article/EndNote-Generate-full-or-abbreviated-journal-names?language=en_US