The big official Danish Bank of Statistics. API is accessible as beta at the moment.
The leading global non-profit organisation that provides persistent identifiers (DOIs) for research data.
Catalog of available data from the public sector. Run by the Agency for Digital Government.
Hundreds of open data sets from five big Danish municipalities. Newly opened.
A global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines.
At Archives of Danish Literature you can read and search in works from Danish literary history from the Middle Ages to the 20th century.
At Danish Demographic Database from Rigsarkivet you can search in censuses for information about individuals or families.
Digital Collections holds a range of digital collections, including images, printed matter, handwritten manuscripts, maps, rare books, and much more.
Library Open Access Repository (LOAR) is an open data repository established in 2016 as a service for storing and providing access to Danish research data.
Programming Historian is filled with peer-reviewed tutorials that help humanists learn a wide range of digital tools and techniques.
Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60.000 free eBooks.
At you can find bills, resolutions, inquiries and statements from the Danish parliament.
Geographic data. Find information about data, view data on maps, access web services, and download data.
Location-specific information about the sea and real estate.
Movebank is a free, online database of animal tracking data hosted by the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior.
Data about illness, treatment, and health.
A lot of exciting publicly available data from the Airbnb site.
The archieve with shady data about the Cryptomarket
The official French data portal.
The official open American data portal.
The official British data portal.
The official Norwegian data portal.
The official EU data portal.
Access to a wide range of digital research data for learning, teaching and research purposes.
A selection of the data behind the articles, graphics and interactives at
Holds study descriptions of all studies that are long-term archived at the Data Archive. You can search for studies and download or order data for secondary analysis.
The official German dataportal.
American analysis organization that covers many community related topics with lots of data sets.
Statistics Sweden is responsible for official statistics and for other government statistics.
New and existing Swedish research data within and outside of Sweden.
UK’s largest collection of digital social and economic research data.
Free and open access to global development data.
Here you can find information about all registered companies in Denmark and Greenland.
Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible is a morphological tagging of the Old Testament in OSIS XML.
The Post-Reformation Digital Library is a repository with links to digital books.
An open database with a corpus of digital texts, digital tools and open source software.