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KUB Datalab: DH - CULT (Digital Humanities - Culture and Text)

DH - CULT (Digital Humanities - Culture and Text)

DH Cult KUB Datalab

We are a group of researchers/teachers at HUM who are interested in different methods related to digital culture and text studies. The group focuses on digital text studies, theory, and methodology and will work to apply these in both our research and teaching practices. The group's activities are interdisciplinary and thus address (but are not limited to) researchers from several departments in the fields of culture, literature, and language. The activities of the group include the exchange of ideas, solutions, and perspectives, as well as the identification of problems that we may best solve together. The aim is to strengthen the study of digital humanities that concerns digital text studies by establishing an interdisciplinary community of practitioners.
We will:

  • Share teaching experiences concerning digital methods in the study of texts.
  • Exchange teaching modules/tools/programmes that can improve the quality of teaching and develop competences across the faculty.
  • Invite of guest lecturers who can provide us with knowledge about methods and introduce us to new areas of text study. We favour an open lecture format, preferably followed by a workshop for the group and other researchers interested in digital text analysis. 
  • Define desired technical/methodological courses for the group in collaboration with KUB Datalab.


  • We will work towards a possible interdisciplinary teaching module in Digital Humanities at HUM
  • We will explore the possibility of research collaborations and joint research applications
  • We will harness our competences at the faculty on digital methods for the study of texts


  • Associate Professor Robert Rix. Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies
  • Assistant Professor Bo Ærenlund Sørensen. Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies
  • Special Adviser Lars Kjær. Copenhagen University Library | The Royal Danish Library

The following support the activities of the DH-CulT

  • Alexander Conroy
  • Bo Ærenlund Sørensen
  • Bolette Sandford Pedersen
  • Efram Sera-Shriar
  • Janus Mortensen
  • Jens Bjerring-Hansen
  • Julian Koch
  • Kim Ebensgaard
  • Kristian Hvelplund
  • Lars Kjær
  • Rasmus Christian Elling
  • Robert Rix

The Digital Humanities Discussion Group

DH Cult KUB Datalab

The Digital Humanities Discussion Group

Spring 2024

During spring 2024 the Digital Humanities Discussion Group meets on these dates in room 24.2.62.

The meetings take place in English.

  • Friday February 23. 1 pm - 2 pm. [1] 
  • Friday March 22. 1 pm - 2 pm. [2]
  • Friday April 24. 1 pm - 2 pm.[3]

The meetings are just one hour, and they are an easy way to get into regularly discussing peer-reviewed DH work. An article is chosen for each meeting and is examined from these three points, 15 minutes each:

  • Discussion of the methodologies used in the analyses
  • Other than the data and methodologies, what is “DH” about this paper? (i.e. what is this journal looking for?)
  • Is there anything from the paper we could use for our own research? (roundtable)

The Digital Humanities Discussion Group is organised by Kim Ebensgaard Jensen, Associate Professor at the Department of English, German and Romance Languages, whom you are welcome to contact for more information.

Reading list

[1] Xiao, R. & T. McEnery (2006). Collocation, Semantic Prosody, and Near Synonymy: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Journal of Applied Linguistics 27(1): 103–129

[2] Gürçağlar, Şehnaz Tahir. 2022. ‘Retranslation and Online Reader Response: Le Petit Prince in Turkey in the Twenty-First Century’. In Retranslation and Reception: Studies in a European Context, 49:41–65. Approaches to Translation Studies. Boston, United States: Brill.

[3] Reich, J. A. (2015). Old methods and new technologies: Social media and shifts in power in qualitative research. Ethnography, 16(4), 394–415.

Jungnickel, K. (2017). Making ‘Ournet not the Internet’: An Ethnography of Home-Brew High-Tech Practices in Suburban Australia. In Hjorth, L., Horst, H., Galloway, A., & Bell, G. (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography. Routledge.

Autumn 2023

During autumn 2023 the Digital Humanities Discussion Group meets on these dates in room 24.2.62.

The meetings take place in English.

  • Friday August 25 1 pm - 2 pm. [1]
  • Friday October  27 1 pm - 2 pm. [2]
  • Friday November 24 1 pm - 2 pm.[3]
  • Friday  22 December 1 pm - 2 pm. [4]

The meetings are just one hour, and they are an easy way to get into regularly discussing peer-reviewed DH work. An article is chosen for each meeting and is examined from these three points, 15 minutes each:

  • Discussion of the methodologies used in the analyses
  • Other than the data and methodologies, what is “DH” about this paper? (i.e. what is this journal looking for?)
  • Is there anything from the paper we could use for our own research? (roundtable)

The Digital Humanities Discussion Group is organised by Kim Ebensgaard Jensen, Associate Professor at the Department of English, German and Romance Languages, whom you are welcome to contact for more information.

Reading list 

[1] Dahl, Christian: 'Two Armies fly in...' : Battle scenes in English Renaissance theatre. Orbis Litterarum, Volume 78, No. 5, 2023, pp. 368-383. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/oli.12404

[2] Kallenbach, U. & A. Lawaetz (2023). Levels of presence in the drama text: Between close and distant reading. Orbis Litterarum 78 (5): 401-420. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/oli.12399

[3] Ahnert, R.S.E. Ahnert, C.N. Coleman & S.B. Weingart (2021). The Network Turn: Changing Perspective in the Humanities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://soeg.kb.dk/permalink/45KBDK_KGL/1pioq0f/alma99123649154905763 (it has been suggested that we read one chapter from this book, but a specific chapter has not been proposed)

[4] McEnery, A. & H. Baker (2016). Corpus Linguistics and 17th-Century Prostitution: Computational Linguistics and History. London: Bloomsbury. https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/31700

Spring 2023

During spring 2023 the Digital Humanities Discussion Group meets on these dates in room 24.2.63.

  • Wednesday 1st March, 12-13 [1]
  • Friday 14th April 13-14 [2]
  • Friday 12th May 13-14 [3]

The meetings are just one hour, and they are an easy way to get into regularly discussing peer-reviewed DH work. An article is chosen for each meeting and is examined from these three points, 15 minutes each:

  • Discussion of the methodologies used in the analyses
  • Other than the data and methodologies, what is “DH” about this paper? (i.e. what is this journal looking for?)
  • Is there anything from the paper we could use for our own research? (roundtable)

The Digital Humanities Discussion Group is organised by Joanna Beaufoy, PhD Fellow at Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, and please reach out to her by email for more information. 

Reading list 
[1] Karlińska, Agnieszka. “The Art of Nerves: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Drama at the Turn of Nineteenth and Twentieth Century.” Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 36.1 (2021): 122–137. Web.
[2] Viola, Lorella, and Jaap Verheul. “Mining Ethnicity: Discourse-Driven Topic Modelling of Immigrant Discourses in the USA, 1898–1920.” Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 35.4 (2020): 921–943. Web.

[3] We will read two “manifestos” for Digital Humanities:


Talk by Professor Glenn Roe - 15 June 2023

Professor Gleen Roe talks at South Campus

Meet Professor Glenn Roe of Sorbonne University and hear him talk about the project "Modelling Enlightenment. Reassembling Networks of Modernity through data-driven research". It is on 15 June 2023, 11:00-12:00 at South Campus, room 24.0.11. Organizer: Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies and DH-Cult.

Read more: Intertextual networks of the French Enlightenment: the ModERN Project

Digital Humanities Workshop

Digital Humanities (DH) uses digital methods to solve humanities research questions, and once a year the organisation Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries (DHNB) holds a conference that brings together Nordic and Baltic research environments to exchange knowledge and inspire each other.

This year the conference is online and free. To mark the start of the conference DHNB 2023, KUB Datalab is organising a workshop with four short presentations on how digital humanities are part of the research and teaching at Søndre Campus. The workshop is organized in collaboration with the network Digital Humanities Culture and Text (DH-CULT). DH-CULT is a local network on Søndre Campus for researchers who have an interest in exploring DH in relation to text.

It is free to participate in both the DHNB's online conference and the workshop. You can register for both via this link:  https://www.conftool.org/dhnb2023/ or by contacting Lars Kjær, lakj@kb.dk.


10:00 – 10:15
Welcome, presentation of the program, the DHNB, and DH activities at South Campus  by Lars Kjær

10:15 – 10:35
Digital methods in Chinese – illuminated by a research of dating profiles by Anna Davidsen Buhl

10:35 – 10:55
Digital methods in History – illuminated by a research of Danish industrial development by Mikkel Støvring Hansen
10:55 – 11:05
Short Break

11:05 – 11:20
Experiences from the classrooms and the introduction of digital methods in the teaching at Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies by Robert Rix

11:20 – 11:40
Experiences from the classrooms and the introduction of digital methods in the teaching at Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies by Bo Ærenlund Sørensen

11:40 – 11:50
Presentation of the KUB Datalab Calendar by Lars Kjær

11:50 – 12:00
Closing and networking