KUB Datalab is Copenhagen University Library’s centre for working with data. Our primary focus is to support students at the University of Copenhagen in regards to their work with data and digital methods.
KUB Datalab offers guidance, classroom teaching, datasprints, events, and workshops. Furthermore, we collaborate with teaching staff to support and advance the development of student skills and data literacy.
Through our learning activities, we support students in regards to:
As methods and methodology vary greatly across the different fields of academia, our focus is to support the application of digital tools and methods and to offer counsel in regards to the strengths and weaknesses of these. We are always curious about exploring and working with new methods together with both students and teachers, which is one of the main goals of our recurring datasprints (read more under Tools & Methods).
KUB Datalab is officially located at Nørre Campus (Copenhagen University Library of Natural and Health Sciences), but our work aims at supporting the whole of University of Copenhagen. Thus, our events are taking place at all of Copenhagen University Library’s locations, and students from all areas of studies are welcome at all of our open events.
We constantly strive to evolve, improve, and expand our events and teaching, and we would therefore like to hear from you, if you have ideas, suggestions, or questions about our work.
You can reach us by filling out the contact form on this page or send an email to: kubdatalab@kb.dk
Please also visit and follow our Facebook page to keep updated about news and events.
Christian B. Knudsen |
Daniel Pryn |
Lars Kjær |
Søren Davidsen |
Need help sorting a data related problem or do you have questions regarding our work?
Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you.