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Film and Video Access for Employees and Students at UCPH: Home


Every motion picture published on physical media in Denmark (vhs, dvd, blu-ray) can be seen in the reading room at The Royal Library, The Black
Diamond, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1. Order via the Library System. See information Find material/Video collection

Feature films broadcast on Danish TV can be accessed via mediestream.dk at KB's physical locations at the following addresses:
media stream/access. You can also log on to Mediestream as a UCPH user and gain access to the broadcasting archive, albeit with some restrictions

The Danish Film Institute:
KB is a legal deposit institution for motion pictures broadcast on Danish TV as well as releases on vhs/dvd/blu-ray. KB refers to the Danish Film Institute's collection for other titles, which can be screened during opening hours in the viewing facilities of the Videotheque at The Danish Film Institute.

Free, professionally curated streaming service for libraries and universities. New titles added every month. You can access Kanopy with an IP address from KU or KUB, but only titles specifically selected for the Film Section at the University of Copenhagen.


Every motion picture published on physical media in Denmark (vhs, dvd, blu-ray) can be seen in the study room at The Royal Library, The Black Diamond, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1. Order via the Library System. See information Find material/Video collection.  

Feature films broadcast on Danish TV can be accessed via mediestream.dk at KB's physical locations at the following addresses:
media stream/access.
You can also log on to mediestream.dk  as a UCPH user and gain access to the broadcasting archive, albeit with some restrictions.

File delivery:
Researchers with a research purpose can require a digital copy of an audiovisual work, if it cannot be acquired in ordinary trade (cf. OHL 16a, subsection 3). The copy may not be used for anything other than research, i.e. e.g. not for teaching. Order via Ask the library att. Digital Cultural Heritage

The Danish Film Institute:
The Royal Library is a mandatory delivery institution for motion pictures broadcast on Danish TV as well as releases on vhs/dvd/blu-ray. The Royal library refers to the Danish Film Institute's collection for other titles, which can be screened during opening hours in the viewing facilities of the Videotheque at The Danish Film Institute.

Free, professionally curated streaming service for libraries and universities. New titles added every month. You can access Kanopy with an IP address from KU or KUB, but only titles specifically selected for the Film Section at the University of Copenhagen.


Screening of videos at Copenhagen University Library, Karen Blixens Plads 7, South Campus.

For the time being, the library has one screening room where a group of up to four people can view film and TV. All titles from the current semester's screening list, along with headphones, can be borrowed from the information desk on the ground floor. 

Additionally, you can order other titles from KB's collections and watch them on site. It would be a good idea to book the group room in advance, as it is also used for other purposes. The room is on the 2nd floor, group room 3.


The Royal Library provides access to television materials via Mediestream.dk, currently about 2.3 million programmes broadcasted on danish television from 1963 onwards
Copenhagen University staff and students can use their WAYF login on Mediestream/tv 
to gain access.

TV broadcasts that have not yet been digitized (before 2005) can be ordered on demand via danish-radio-and-tv-programmes/order

The Royal Library provides access to television materials via Mediestream.dk, currently about 2.3 million programmes broadcasted on danish television from 1963 onwards. 
Copenhagen University staff and students can use their WAYF login on Mediestream/tv to gain access.

File Delivery:
Researchers with a specific research purpose and with a documented special need to have the material as a file instead of a stream, will have the option to download broadcasts in high quality from Mediestream. Alternatively, where downloading is not technically possible, they can receive the actual file. Such a special need may include accessing the material offline, in-depth studies of a high-quality TV broadcast, or the need to transcribe or analyze using software capable of playing the file. Order via Mediestream/researcher access.

TV broadcasts that have not yet been digitized (before 2005) can be ordered on demand via danish-radio-and-tv-programmes/order


The Royal Library provides access for students and researchers to television and cinema commercials through mediastream.dk. Use your WAYF to log in. 

For more information click here: 

The Royal Library provides access for students and researchers to television and cinema commercials through mediastream.dk.
Use your WAYF to log in. 

For more information click here: 

File delivery:

Researchers with a research purpose can receive a digital copy of the work, if the work cannot be acquired through regular commerce (cf. OHL 16a, para. 3). The copy may not be used for purposes other than research, such as for teaching.
Order through Ask the Library, ATT: Digital Cultural Heritage.
For more information click here: Find-material/advertisements.


Charlotte Arnholtz
Information Specialist

+45 9132 4606

News and FAQ

How can I get help?

Personal service at: Copenhagen University Library, KUB South Campus
Digital service online: Ask the library 

The transfer of the AV archive to The Royal Library

The AV archive at the Department of Communication (KU) was created as a collection for use in research and teaching at what was then known as The Department of Film Studies in the late 1970s. The scope is approximately 60,000 titles distributed over approximately 35,000 physical units. In 2023, it was decided to close this archive as a local, institute-based research and teaching archive, and an agreement was made between KU and KB (The Royal library) that the archive should be handed over to KB. All materials were transferred during 2023, except for titles that KB already had. The archive is expected to be fully digitized within 3-5 years. However, KB is not authorized to digitize some materials (typically non-Danish releases), and these are preserved on physical media as long as they can be played. Access to these resources is handled on demand.

What became of the AV archive's database?
The database for the AV archive was shut down after the transfer of materials to The Royal Library. Entries on TV will be available in Mediastream, and entries on published works on vhs, dvd and blu-ray will be available in the Library System. The materials that are currently outside The Royal Library's authority can be sought in a special catalogue.


How is new material preserved and made available after the termination of the AV archive?

KB's collections of TV and films are expanded daily. All films released in Denmark on dvd and blu-ray are collected and made available as soon as they are cataloged and incorporated.

The increase in TV broadcasts in Mediestream is approximately 700 broadcasts every day. See the collection profile here: Find material/TV channels. If you have any requests for changes to the collection profile, write to  Ask the library.

How do I get access to the material in Mediestream?

To gain access, click on LOG IN in the upper right corner of mediestream.dk. You then select the University of Copenhagen from the list of institutions. You can now log in with your usual institutional login (WAYF).

What if I can't find the material in Mediestream?

TV: Check if we have it on vhs, and if we do, you can order a digitization and get the material in Mediestream (5-10 days delivery time):

Overview of KB's TV material: Find material/TV channels

Order a digitization: Find-material/Danish-radio-and-TV-broadcasts/order

Film: Check if we have it on vhs/dvd/blu-ray, and if we do, you can order it for the study room at The Royal Library, or DFI via the Library System

Film: If we don't have it on vhs/dvd/blu-ray, write and ask if we can buy it, as a physical work or online license: Ask the library

What about foreign TV channels, eg. Swedish or French channels?

Foreign TV channels are not downloaded as cultural heritage by KB by default, and they do not appear in Mediestream. As a researcher, you can get a copy of broadcasts from certain stations. The material must be ordered no later than 14 days after the time of airing, as it will not be kept long-term. Channels included are 3sat, Animal Planet, ARD Das Erste, ARTE, BBC Entertainment, BBC Knowledge, BBC World News, Discovery, NRK1, SVT1, SVT2, TV5 Monde, ZDF, Barnkanalen, NDR. For other channels: Ask what the options are.

Does the material in Mediestream disappear at some point?

The material in Mediestream only disappears if it contains irreparable errors, if it has to be claused due to applicable legislation, or if the rights holders prohibit their content from being shown anywhere other than on Det Kgl. Library or the Danish Film Institute. Note that you can use PID to ensure that you can always find material from Mediestream again.

Who is behind Medistream?

Medistream is a service from the Royal Danish Library. A large share of the content in Mediestream is owned by the rights holders, and is made available by virtue of the Act on Transfer of Obligations, or by agreement with Copydan.

Can Medistream be used outside Denmark?

Yes, you can access Mediestream from all over the world when you have an institutional login.