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Nordic Law: Guide

Laws and regulations

The legislative process: Norway

Legislative preparatory work

Bills and other legislative preparatory works are publicly available documents and can be found at Stortinget and at the Regeringen.

Norway's official reports can be found at Regeringen and in Lovdata. On the page, you can find offical reports from the office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.

Norway and the EU

Norway is not a member of the EU, but has access to the EU's internal market and other EU-rights, as a member of the European Economic Area (EEA) and through the Schengen Agreement. Read more about Norway's relationship with the EU on the Europalov

Judgments and decisions

Read about the Norwegian legal system here: Norges Domstoler

Laws and regulations

The legislative process: Sverige

Legislative preparatory work

Legislative reports
SOU:er 1922-1999
SOU:er 1999-

Judgments and decisions

Read about the Swedish legal system here: Sveriges Domstolar.

Laws and regulations

The legislative process: Finland

Legislative preparatory work

Finnish legislative preparatory works are published here: Riksdagshandlingar

Judgments and decisions

Laws and regulations

Legislative preparatory work

Judgments and decisions

Laws and regulations

Legislative preparatory work

Judgments and decisions

Laws and regulations

Legislative preparatory work

Judgments and decisions


Massimo Soldano
Information Specialist

+45 91324175

Nis Nicolaisen
Information Specialist

Copenhagen University Library, KUB South Campus
Karen Blixens Plads 7
2300 Copenhagen S