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KUB Nørd - Innovation Lab: Welcome

3D-meteorit (in danish)

I 1749 fandt minearbejdere i det østlige Sibirien en klump metallisk jern på knap 700 kg. I 1771 hørte en tysk opdagelsesrejsende, Peter Pallas, om klumpen (en meteorit). Han fordelte fragmenter til sine kontakter i Europa og stykker ligger i dag på Geologisk Museum.

Men hvordan så meteoritten ud, da den ramte jorden? Kunne fragmenterne samles? Gæsteforsker ved Niels Bohr Instituttet, Holger Pedersen, har brugt bibliotekets 3D-printer til at genskabe den fra de indscannede fragmenter.

Læs hele historien om 3D-printet (pdf)

Bestil en tid


It is free to book and use our equipment. The filament used for the 3D printers is also free.

Please make sure you follow instructions given to you by staff and always leave the room nice and tidy, so we can keep this room as a room without rules.

Designs and Inspiration

3D printing is often a matter of standing on the shoulder of giants. Why spend days workning on basic structures that others have created for you? Here are some websites from where you can download 3D models. If you made something cool, consider sharing it with humanity.

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