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KUB Nørd - Innovation Lab: Ultimaker

Ultimaker 2+

Ultimaker 2+

Software og vejledning til Ultimaker 2

Prepare your print

Load a model
Click on the ‘Open File’ button in the top left corner of the screen. Select the model you want to prepare for printing and open it. The model will now be loaded and shown on the 3D viewer.

Select a profile
After loading the model you can select which settings you would like to use for the 3D print. In the settings panel on the right side you will find some Print job information. Here you will see for which printer the model will be sliced. For some printers you can also select the nozzle size and material that will be used. Below the Print job information you can find the print settings.

Start by selecting a Profile
Fast print: Prints fast while retaining acceptable quality.
Normal quality: Good quality print with an acceptable print time. This profile is applicable to most prints.
High quality: Prints with a smooth surface quality.
Ulti quality: The finest possible quality. Keep in mind that the print time will increase substantially when using this profile.

After this you can select/change a few more settings:

Infill: The amount of infill that you want to have in your print (hollow, light, dense or solid) and select helpers. For infill the light profile will be sufficient for most prints.

Brim: Adds a single layer flat area around the base of the model to ensure the print doesn’t detach from the build plate.
Generate support structure: This will generate a support structure below overhanging parts of a model to prevent the model from sagging or printing mid-air.
Now, wait till Cura has sliced the model.

Save the file

Once your model has been sliced it’s ready for printing. Before printing we recommend you to check the Layers view in Cura. The Layers view shows a preview of the print, so you can exactly see what it will print. To open the Layers view, click on the View mode button on the left side and select Layers.

You can then save the file directly onto the SD card of your Ultimaker. You can directly start printing after this.

  1. Insert the SD card in your computer.
  2. Click the “Save” button in the bottom right corner of the screen and save the file to the SD card.
  3. (Safely) remove the SD card from your computer and insert it in your Ultimaker to start printing.

In the bottom right corner of the screen, you will also find print information. Cura gives an estimation on the required time and material for your print.

Interface overview

Interface overview

The below overview shows the main interface of Cura with the most important features.
  1. Open file
  2. Toolbar: Scale, rotate, mirror & per object settings
  3. View modes: solid, X-ray & layers
  4. Brim/Skirt margin
  5. 3D model
  6. Printer configuration
  7. Settings
  8. Printing profile
  9. Simple/Advanced mode
  10. Print job name
  11. 3D model dimensions
  12. Estimated print time and cost
  13. Progress bar
  14. Save G-code


Please notice that the filament size is 2,38 mm.