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Mendeley english: Mendeley Desktop

Desktop User Interface

  1. My Library - Here you get easy access to your library, publications, directories and groups
  2. Sync - Sync your data so that you can access from your phone, tablet or Mendeley Web, wherever you are
  3. Your documents - double-click on a document to open it in a PDF reader
  4. Details - View document details and update meta-data and notes
  5. Library Search - Searching your library - and in full text

Mendeley PDF-Reader

  1. Note - Click the Note button in the toolbar and paste notes anywhere in your document
  2. Highlight - click the Highlight button to highlight text
  3. Sync – do you work in a group? - Synchronize your notes with your team
  4. Global notes - search from anywhere in Mendeley
  5. Keyword Search - Search for keywords in your document